13.09.2024 – 16.02.2025
"PASSIONATELY" - curated FFF Members Show at Fotografie Forum Frankfurt FFF; Frankfurt am Main; GER; (
'Artist in Residence' at Deutsche Wetterdienst DWD, Offenbach; Germany
Save the date: 27. June 2025 - Opening of the exhibition
22.11. - 24.11.2024
OPEN STUDIOS im Atelierfrankfurt
Am Sonntag, 20. Oktober 2024, 12 Uhr im Rahmen der Finissage zur Ausstellung IMMERGRÜN im INTeF in Darmstadt.
Kathin Meyer, Direktorin vom Sinclair Haus Bad Homburg, Vicky Kluzik, Soziologin von der Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main und Jana Hartmann, 13. Darmstädter Stadtfotografin wagen sowohl eine multiperspektivische Bestandsaufnahme unser Verhältnis zur Natur betreffend als auch einen Ausblick in die Zukunft.
The interdisciplinary dialogue - for the first time "on tour" in Darmstadt, Germany was organized in connection with the finissage of the exhibition "IMMERGRÜN" at INTeF Darmstadt.
Kathin Meyer, Director of Sinclair Haus Bad Homburg, Vicky Kluzik, Sociologist at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and Jana Hartmann, 13. Photography Price Winner of Werkbundakademie dicussed the "human/nature" relationship from multiple perspectives. The event was supported by Werkbundakademie Darmstadt.
08. September bis 20. Oktober 2024
"IMMERGRÜN" - "Dem Grün auf der Spur mit der 13. Darmstädter Stadtfotografin Jana Hartmann."
Eine Ausstellung der Werkbundakademie Darmstadt.
Institut für Neue Technische Form e.V., Friedensplatz 11, 64283 Darmstadt;
03. - 13. June 2024
"IMAGINE" is a group exhibition at Fotografie Forum Frankfurt (FFF), Germany, where I present my work "THE FUTURE IS PRESENT" togehther with works by the artists Shir Newman and Jeannette Petri; curated by Dr. Sonja Müller; initiated and organized by Linda Kargebauer from the Frauenreferat der Stadt Frankfurt.
The exhibition takes place in connection with the exhibition "Stadt der Fotografinnen. 1844-2024" at Historisches Museum Frankfurt and the "RAY - Triennale der Fotografie".
"IMAGINE" adresses current topics such as environmental destruction and digital parallel worlds, war and violence as well as identities and gender roles and describe the search for hope, connections and truthfulness.
25. May - 23. June 2024
"MASTERING the ELEMENTS" at Fotofestival Lenzburg, Switzerland,
curated by Antoine Martin; festival curation Daniel Blochwitz
With the outdoor sculpture „COSMIC INTERDEPENDENCY", I am presenting my series "MASTERING the ELEMENTS" for the first time as an outdoor installation, which I developed in collaboration with the artist and curator Antoine Martin.
The geometric shape of the walkable sculpture is a reference to the idea of the quintessence / aether of the universe as the fifth element in the form of a dodecahedron, as formulated around 2400 years ago by the Greek philosopher Plato in his work "Timaeus".
The outer shell of the sculpture displays motifs, in which I photographically visualize the scientific and artistic exploration of natural elements that constitute our universe. On the inside, drawings and texts unfold - excerpts from my artistic research for MASTERING the ELEMENTS. Both address the historically evolved ideas about the material relationships of our universe and the ongoing question of the correlation between consciousness and matter. Just as the body seems to carry the mind within it, the motifs of matter enclose the world of ideas, which only reveal themselves upon entering the sculpture.
18. Feb - 14. June 2024
"93 billion light years" will be exhibited at Kunstsammlung Landratsamt Hofheim, Germany,
curated by Andrea Simon
27. April -10. Mai 2024
"Volume of Air trapped between Earth and Sky", group show curated by Faizan Naveed, at HAAM Gallery, Lahore, Pakistan,
curated by Faizan Naveed
01. - 24. March 2024
"MASTERING the ELEMENTS" will be exhibited at PHOTO 24 at Abbotsford Convent, Melbourne, Australia, curated by Pippa Milne
15. Feb 2024
"MASTERING the ELEMENTS" lecture at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
20. Nov 2023
PERSPEKTIVWECHSEL - Interdisciplinary Dialogue Series at Atelierfrankfurt, Germany
Concept / Idea: Jana Hartmann, Dennis Schulz
Topic Development, Planning and Organization: Heike Sütter, Jana Hartmann, Atelierfrankfurt
Photos: Performance of Eva Weingärtner // dialog with Prof. Dr. Vera King, Prof. Dr. Frauke A. Kurbacher, Eva Weingärtner and moderator Gabriel Belinga Belinga
17. - 20. Dec 2023
"the future is present" presented at Atelierfrankfurt, Germany
28. Sep 2023
PERSPEKTIVWECHSEL - Interdisciplinary Dialogue Series at Atelierfrankfurt, Germany
Concept / Idea: Jana Hartmann, Dennis Schulz
Topic Development, Planning and Organization: Heike Sütter, Jana Hartmann, Atelierfrankfurt
Photos: Exhibition views of "Radioaktive Strahlung in Deutschland und Japan" by MADE BY US (Saori Kaneko & Richard Welz)
1. - 29. Oct 2023
"the future is present" presented at the group exhibition curated by ARTMAINTAUNUS, at Kunstforum Mainturm Flörsheim/M.
16. - 24. Sep 2023
"MASTERING the ELEMENTS" at Photo book exhibition at CHARTA photo-book festival, Rome, Italy
25. May 2023
PERSPEKTIVWECHSEL - Interdisciplinary Dialogue Series at Atelierfrankfurt, Germany
Concept / Idea: Jana Hartmann, Dennis Schulz
Topic Development, Planning and Organization: Heike Sütter, Jana Hartmann, Atelierfrankfurt
Photos: dialog with Prof. Dr. Christian Hesse, Prof. Dr. Roland Potthast, Jan Schmidt and moderator Gabriel Belinga Belinga // Exhibition View "Archiv eines Sommers" by Jan Schmidt
13. Jan - 25. March 2023
"Die Tür ins Meer" at Center for Visual Art, Denver, USA
15. Feb 2023
PERSPEKTIVWECHSEL - Interdisciplinary Dialogue Series at Atelierfrankfurt, Germany
Concept / Idea: Jana Hartmann, Dennis Schulz
Topic Development, Planning and Organization: Jana Hartmann, Heike Sütter, Atelierfrankfurt
11. Nov 2022 - 19. March 2023
"MASTERING the ELEMENTS" at BASEMENT Atelierfrankfurt, Germany
"13. Darmstädter Stadtfotografin" 2022/23 mit dem Thema Stadtgrün
Awarded annual role of Photographer in Residence for the City of Darmstadt appointed by Werkbund Academy Darmstadt, Germany
NATURE FUTURE Group exhibition curated by Collectif FetArt at Institut Francais Bremen, Germany, 7.9. - 28.10.2022
Group exhibition at Kunst Haus Wien, Vienna, Austria with MASTERING the ELEMENTS, curated by Verena Kasper-Eisert and Liddy Scheffknecht
NATURE FUTURE, 4.6. - 14.7.2022, Berlin, Britzer Garten
group show with:
Vanja Bučan (Slowenien), Marina Caneve (Italien), Lucas Castel (Belgien), Ioana Cîrlig (Rumänien), Annika Haas (Estland), Jana Hartmann (Deutschland), Tomáš Hrůza & Andrea Průchová Hrůzová(Tschechische Republik), Rubén Martín de Lucas (Spanien), Maria Oliveira (Portugal), Margaux Senlis (Frankreich), Daniel Szalai (Ungarn) und Jenni Toivonen (Finnland).
curated by FetArt, Paris, France
organized by Institut Francais
My book "MASTERING the ELEMENTS" is selected by PHotoESPANA for the Best Photography Book of the Year in 2022 and will be exhibited soon in Madrid, Spain.
My book "MASTERING the ELEMENTS" is presented by BELFAST PHOTO FESTIVAL at their Photo-Book Library in Belfast, Ireland, 02 - 30 June 2022 .
My series DIe Tür ins Meer will be represented in a group exhibition at Kampa Parc in Prague, hosted by the Institut Francais Prague, Czech Rep., curated by FetArt, Paris, France; 9.5. - 28.8.2022
The group show comprises work by Margaux Senlis (France), Ruben Martin de Lucas (Spain), Daniel Szalai (Hungary), Ioana Cirlig (Romania), Ada Zielińska (Poland), Léontina Berková (Slovakia), Tomáš Hrůza et Andrea Průchová Hrůzová (Czech Republic), Marina Caneve (Italy), Maria Oliveira (Portugal), Markus Guschelbauer (Austria), Inka & Niclas (Sweden).
DÜSSELFORF PHOTO PLUS, Group exhibition at Institut Francais Düsseldorf, Germany with Die Tür ins Meer, 14. - 21.5.2022, curated by FetArt
Feature about MASTERING the ELEMENTS in the Austrian EIKON Art Magazine, Issue 117 in 2022, Text by Jörg Colberg
Solo exhibition of MASTERING the ELEMENTS at paperlab by Mai Manó Ház - House of Photography, Budapest, Hungary, 16.3. - 24.4.2022
Book Presentation of MASTERING the ELEMENTS at the FOTO WIEN Photobook Exhibition
Please klick on the image for a virtual tour through the exhibition MASTERING the ELEMENTS
at Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung Berlin, July 24-Sep 12, 2021
Solo exhibition MASTERING the ELEMENTS at Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung Berlin, July 24-Sep 12, 2021