

PERSPEKTIVWECHSEL (change in perspective) is a transdisciplinary dialog series in Frankfurt am Main initiated by myself.

The aim of the platform is to facilitates regular and multi-layered exchange, particularly between art, science and society, promoting a better mutual understanding, but also the formation of new networks. 

Each evening is devoted to a theme with contemporary social relevance. The topic of the evening is considered by representatives of different disciplines from their respective perspectives and then discussed together with the audience. 

Depending on the theme and the invited artist, an artistic contribution in form of an exhibition or a performance accompanies the event.


The underlying concept was developed together with the physicist Dr. Dennis Schulz. The actual planning and implementation is carried out in close coordination and with great support from Heike Sütter (contemporary art projects) and the Atelierfrankfurt.


Financial support by Dr. Marschner Stiftung, Dr. Hans Feith und Dr. Elisabeth Feith-Stiftung, Kulturamt Frankfurt am Main and 

Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain.



20. Nov 2023

Our fourth discussion evening on the topic of "Establishing, moving or crossing boundaries?" started with an artistic performance by Eva Weingärtner, which she developed especially for PERSPEKTIVWECHSEL. Afterwards, the artist and the scientists Prof. Dr. Vera King and Prof. Dr. Frauke A. Kurbacher discussed the meaning and role of borders in art and science as well as in individual and community life. The 'border' phenomenon is multifaceted. It can be understood as a clear dividing line or a flowing transition; physically or psychologically. Depending on how a border is drawn, it can be perceived as protective or restrictive, separating or connecting. How we think about boundaries influences our actions. It is a social necessity for us to constantly come to a new understanding about our concepts of boundaries.

Moderator was the Mainz-based science slam professional Gabriel Belinga Belinga.

Photos: Performance of Eva Weingärtner // Dialog with Prof. Dr. Vera King, Prof. Dr. Frauke A. Kurbacher, Eva Weingärtner and Moderator Gabriel Belinga Belinga  



28. Sep 2023

On our third evening - this time on the topic of "Radioactivity - curse or blessing?" - the artists Saori Kaneko and Richard Welz and the scientists Prof. Dr. Clemens Walter and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Graeff discussed the many facets of radioactivity and where we encounter it, whether natural or man-made. It can be both a therapy and a cause of illness. For some, nuclear energy and nuclear weapons are indispensable for the energy transition and our geopolitical security and independence; for others, they are the greatest existential threat. Radioactivity polarizes more than almost any other physical phenomenon. How can we succeed in having a constructive social discourse on this topic?

Moderator was the Heidelberg-based Science Quiz Master Dr. Dennis Schulz.

Photos: Exhibition views of "Radioaktive Strahlung in Deutschland und Japan" by MADE BY US (Saori Kaneko & Richard Welz)  // Dialog between Prof. Dr. Clemens Walther, Prof. Dr. Christian Graeff, Saori Kaneko, Richard Welz and Moderator Dennis Schulz



25. May 2023

On the second panel discussion on the topic of "How random is chance?", artist Jan Schmidt and scientists Prof. Dr. Christian Hesse and Prof. Dr. Roland Potthast discussed the significance and role of chance in art, science and everyday life. Even though chance can provide unexpected moments of luck and has led to many a world-changing invention, we are generally interested in making chance - and therefore our future luck and misfortune - predictable. But to what extent can chance be calculated at all? Is chance just ignorance? How random should our lives even be?

Moderator was the Mainz-based science slam professional Gabriel Belinga Belinga.

Photos: Exhibition View "Archiv eines Sommers" by artist Jan Schmidt // Dialog with Prof. Dr. Christian Hesse, Prof. Dr. Roland Potthast, Jan Schmidt and Moderator Gabriel Belinga Belinga



15. Feb 2023

The transdisciplinary dialogue series kicked off with the question "Eternal life? Do we want to abolish ageing?". Jana Hartmann, an artist who dealt with the topic of immortality as part of her latest group of works on alchemy, Manuela Mackert, Senior Managing Director Ankura Consulting Group, Frankfurt am Main, with many years of experience in ethical issues relating to future technologies, and Dr. Ralf Dahm, Director of Scientific Management at the Mainz Institute of Molecular Biology, who is familiar with both the state of science and the corresponding challenges, discussed this topic.

Moderator was the Mainz-based science slam professional Gabriel Belinga Belinga.


Questions on the topic of ageing research and the long-held human dream of eternal life, which artists and scientists have been grappling with for centuries, will be discussed. How has our idea of ageing changed? Is ageing a "disease" that can be cured? Can future life be decoupled from the matter of the body? Is eternal life even worth striving for and what would it mean for our society?

The themed evening ties in with Jana Hartmann's artistic research MASTERING the ELEMENTS, in which the artist explored alchemy as the origin of science. The exhibition of the same name can be seen at BASEMENT in ATELIERFRANKFURT.