exhibition views "MASTERING the ELEMENTS"

Exhibition views MASTERING the ELEMENTS, at Fotografie Festival Lenzburg, Lenzburg, Switzerland, 2024

exhibition views MASTERING the ELEMENTS, at BASEMENT Atelierfrankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2022

exhibition views MASTERING the ELEMENTS, at PHOTO24, Abbotsford Convent, Melbourne, Australia, 2024

exhibition view @Kunst Haus Wien, Austria, 2022, group exhibition "Wenn der Wind weht"

Virtual Tour through the exhibition MASTERING the ELEMENTS @Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung Berlin,

24. July - 12. September 2021

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exhibition view MASTERING the ELEMENTS, at Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung Berlin, 2021, Room I - CONCEPTS OF MATTER

exhibition view MASTERING the ELEMENTS, at Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung Berlin, 2021, Room II - NARRATING NATURE

exhibition view MASTERING the ELEMENTS, at Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung Berlin, 2021, Room III - The Philosopher's Stone

exhibition view @Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung Berlin, 2021, Room III - Philosophers' Stone, The search for a Panacea

exhibition view @Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung Berlin, 2021, Room III - Philosophers' Stone, Preparation of the Stone

exhibition view @Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung Berlin, 2021, Room III - Philosophers' Stone, 3-dimensional collage of archive material

exhibition view @BRAIN, Zwingenberg, 2019

exhibition view @BMW Haus, Frankfurt, 2019